Hashima Island, commonly called Gunkanjima(軍艦島; meaning Battleship Island ), about 15 kilometers (9 miles) from the city of Nagasaki, in southern Japan.


Jun 27, 2013 Hashima Island: The Story. Hashima island is one of the 505 uninhabited islands in Nagasaki Prefecture off of the South West coast of Japan, 

Det är en av Japans äldsta kolgruvor. Gunkanjima "Hashima Island", japan. Hashima Island, sett från en närliggande båt. Foto av ajari. Vissa av er kanske känner igen denna lilla övergivna kolgruvö  #HashimaIsland #Gunkanjima #Nagasaki #Mitsubishi #Japan #igers #igersjp #igersnagasaki…” Photo by Ivan Meza in Hashima Island. Ladda ner bilder med taggar: Hus Ruinerna Hashima Island in Japan building abandoned Balkong Städer stad, byggnad, byggnader.

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About Hashima Island:-Hashima Island is one of the abandoned island and has most notable features with abandoned concrete buildings and undisturbed except by nature.The surrounding sea wall helps to protect the island and adds to the peaceful surroundings. The rapid industrialization of Japan along with its after-effect could be seen as the island once reached a peak population of 5,259 in 1959. 2013-06-13 Gunkanjima (Japanese for battleship) was the name given to the island by locals as its shape holds striking similarities to the Japanese battleship Tosa. It has been said that the entire community departed Hashima Island with curious haste, leaving odd shoes and clothing items behind. Hashima Island is a small deserted, Japanese island that is found near the large southern island of Kyushu, in the Nagasaki Prefecture in Japan, Asia. Hashima Island covers an area of 0.063 square kilometres (0.024 square miles) or 6.3 hectares (15.6 acres), and measures approximately 480 metres (525 yards) in length and 150 meters (164 yards 2019-12-12 2012-11-23 Hashima Island was a Japanese coal-producing powerhouse, but after its reserves became depleted it slowly transformed into an abandoned relic.

Hashima Island, Japan. Coal was first discovered on the 16-acre island in the early 1800s. In an attempt to catch up with western colonial powers, Japan embarked on a period of rapid industrial development starting in the mid-1800s and utilized Hashima Island for the endeavor.

Also known as Gunkanjima (meaning Battleship Island) for its resemblance to a Japanese battleship, Hashima functioned as a coal facility from 1887 until 1974. Hashima Island goes by the name Gunkanjima in Japanese language, where gunkan in English translates to ‘battleship’ and jima or shima means ‘island’ in English.

Hashima island, japan

Hashima Island was once a Mecca for undersea coal mining. This island was a sharp depiction of Japan’s swift industrialization. This island is also known as Gunkanjima which means battleship Island. It was named so due to its resemblance to a Japanese battleship. Hashima was used as a coal facility provider from 1887 to 1974.

Hashima island, japan

It was named so due to its resemblance to a Japanese battleship. Hashima was used as a coal facility provider from 1887 to 1974.

Hashima island, japan

Hashima Island, once a mecca for undersea coal mining, was a sharp representation of Japan ‘s rapid industrialization. Also known as Gunkanjima (meaning Battleship Island) for its resemblance to a Japanese battleship, Hashima functioned as a coal facility from 1887 until 1974. Hashima Island goes by the name Gunkanjima in Japanese language, where gunkan in English translates to ‘battleship’ and jima or shima means ‘island’ in English. The shape of the island, officially called Hashima, resembles the Japanese warship Tosa and so the name gunkan-jima or Battleship Island came to be associated with it. Often known as Gunkanjima or battleship island for its similarity to a Japanese battleship, Hashima is an abandoned island in Nagasaki, Japan. Hashima Island is a popular destination in Japan for those who love James Bond as it was an inspiration for Skyfall 2012 movie.
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Japan even  Coal was found on Hashima Island around 1810. It was heavy coking coal of higher quality than coal generally mined in Japan. Mining started in earnest in  Nov 23, 2012 James Bond, meet UNESCO.

Tot 1974 is Hashima bewoond geweest. Sindsdien is het een spookeiland. Hashima Island, Japan: Originally a coal mining town, but later abandoned when the mines ran dry. Over 40 years of typhoons and rough weather has decayed this city into a beautiful disaster.
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är en ö som ligger cirka 15 km sydsydväst om Nagasaki i Japan. En fiktiv koreansk film vid namn Battleship Island handlar om de koreanska krigsfångarna 

Hashima, även kallad Gunkanjima, är en ö 2 mil utanför Nagasaki. Ön kallas Battleship Island eftersom den på avstånd ser ut som ett krigsskepp Det största huset på ön var 1916 Japans första större betonghus.

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2015-10-20 · Following the end of the war the island remained active with a hub of mining projects. Over 5,000 residents called Hashima home. Apartment buildings, schools and even a hospital were all subsequently erected. With the replacement of petroleum as the favoured resource in Japan instead of coal, Hashima Island’s coalmine was permanently closed

Also known as Gunkanjima or Battleship Island, as it's remaining geometric silhouette resembles a dark grey hull. 2015-jan-20 - En gång i tiden räknades den japanska kol-ön Hashima som for a multitude of spaces Whether you're defining a space, like a kitchen island,  Gunkanjima (Hashima ö) i Nagasaki, Japan. Foto handla om rubble, abandoned, gunkanjima, mine, nobody, nagasaki, coal, ghosttown, ghost, japan, battleship,  Ön, Gruvanläggning, Havet, Gunkanjima, Hashima Island. × arv, kolgruva, slagskepp ö, hashima, kyushu, nagasaki, japan, Gratis foton,. △ Efter frukost blev det en kort promenad till Järnvägsstationen för att åka vidare till Nagasaki. Vi hade ett tågbyte i den lilla Japanska staden Tosu  Hashima - also called Gunkanjima, "Battleship Island", is a since 1974 abandoned mining island outside Nagasaki in Japan.