a good moodgood-temperedin good spiritsin high spiritsalivevividactiveanimatedspiritedbriskbusychipleasedexultantecstaticjovial. Antonyms for merry.


20 Feb 2013 Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. Here are synonyms for the word happy: cheerful, delighted, ecstatic, glad, jolly. Here are 

Near Antonyms for ecstatic. blue, brokenhearted, crestfallen, dejected, despondent, disconsolate, disheartened, doleful, ecstatic | definition: feeling great rapture or delight | synonyms: rapt, rapturous, enraptured, joyous| antonyms: joyless, unhappy, dejected, sorrowful, cheerless Opposite words for Ecstatic. English Dictionary antonyms of Ecstatic. Find opposite of Ecstatic hyponyms, hypernyms, related words and definitions. Synonyms and Antonyms of Ecstatic.

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ecstatic shock - n. the surge of energy upon catching a glance from someone you like—a thrill that starts in your stomach, arcs up through your lungs and flashes  Of My Mouth And The Meditation Of My Heart · Pk Manifestation Definition · Manifestation Ease Copyright © 2021. Copyright 2020 - ManifestationEase.com. ecstatically (adv.) 1 more row.

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Ecstatic antonyms

Synonyms for ecstatic state in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for ecstatic state. 1 synonym for ecstatic state: religious trance. What are synonyms for ecstatic state?

Ecstatic antonyms

Antonyms. failure beginning defeat  Synonyms & Antonyms ecstatic jovial exultant elated delighted despondent forlorn dejected woeful dismal. d r m w o e f u l s d l.

Ecstatic antonyms

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Antonyms for ecstatic state. 1 synonym for ecstatic state: religious trance.

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autumn leaves on ground having an ecstatic experience on Day #15 Update example sentences, synonyms, antonyms, word origins, audio pronunciation, 

Antonyms of Ecstatic: Tormented, Sorrowful, Despaired: Use of "Ecstatic" word in sentences, examples. Belinelli ecstatic as Messina remains Italy coach "I am absolutely ecstatic they turned on the gas today, but things are definitely not over for us," Strother said. Definitions of ecstatic, synonyms, antonyms, derivatives of ecstatic, analogical dictionary of ecstatic (English) 2019-12-15 の反対語 antonyms for ecstatic Nearby Words of antonyms for ecstatic antonymy antre antrorse antrum ants ants-eye photography antonyms antonymously antonymous antonymity antonymies antonymic Synonyms for ecstatic in English including definitions, and related words. Synonyms: wariness, prudence .